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Summer Blog

Jul 24, 2022
Summer of Change & Deep Noticing
Dear Friends, It's been a bit since I've written here. I have been creatively quiet, spending time sorting, dusting out drawers,...

Jun 15, 2021
Outside Summer Art Making
One summer, years ago, I lived in a tiny ramshackle house in Colorado. That summer, I set up my easel under the shade of the trees along...

Jun 15, 2021
"Obeying the Impulse"
"...And still, this drive toward gratitude. Still this tug to pull over the car and marvel, this impulse to offer the world our...

Aug 31, 2020
Late Summer Love & Art
I drove to the Oregon Coast this week to deliver art I have recently finished to Volta Gallery in Lincoln City. Queen Anne's Lace, Maiden...

Aug 4, 2020
August: mid summer musings on uncertainty and faith
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Vincent Van Gogh August is here. Half way...

Jul 21, 2020
A Summer of Wild Wandering & Wondering
This sky where we live is not place to lose your wings so Love, Love, Love. -Hafiz I am noticing the urge to be hiking at 10,000 feet,...

Jul 21, 2020
Art Making as Meditation: uncertainty and curiosity for the now and the next
In my work as an artist and teacher I am influenced by my years at Naropa University, my study of Buddhist philosophy and applying these

Jul 7, 2020
Summer Art Making: Field Notes
Happy Summer Solstice! A favorite summer art making ritual for me is to create a hand made journal (they are quite simple to make or you...

Jul 7, 2020
Wild Musings: Summer Arrives
Summer solstice arrives June 20th at 5:44 in the evening and I sense the stirrings of change. Here in Oregon, we still have rain and cool...

Jul 7, 2020
The Wishing Bone Cycle
All the warm nights sleep in the moonlight keep letting it go into you do this all your life do this you will shine outward in old age...

Jul 7, 2020
Stories are Alive Beings
Stories are Alive Beings The moon is my cup. I drink the stars down. Night is hot liquid steeped in clouds, of my spirit; who scratch at...
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