“The creative process puts us in touch with our soul, our spirit, our inner wisdom. Self-expression through the creative arts is a sacred and often mystical experience.”
– Natalie Rogers
Are you looking for a space amidst your busy life to connect more deeply with yourself and your community in a supportive and inspiring environment?
Touchstone Retreats offers you the chance to immerse yourself in the creative process of sharing your stories through art and writing. We facilitate art and writing retreats throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Upon request, we also provide specialized programing for organizations and community groups with a focus on serving caregivers, health care providers, educators, counselors, artists, writers, and social justice activists.
We invite you to:
Take a break from your responsibilities and enjoy the opportunity for self-reflection and creativity.
Allow yourself to be nurtured and nourished, supporting the process of regeneration and renewal.
Embark on your own journey of transformation, stepping more fully into your personal power and expressing your authentic voice and vision.
Share insight, inspiration, and wisdom through deepening community connection.

We honor writing and art as a creative process that belongs to all people. Each person’s voice is unique and of value. All writing, art and creativity is welcome here. No previous experience is necessary, just an openness to exploration.

Go to Touchstone's website for a complete list of workshops and offerings

Here is what participants have to say about Touchstone Retreats…
Testimonials from the Radiance workshop, Spring 2023
“This time together has helped me reconnect with the part of myself longing to do visual art. It has been a confirmation that stepping away from home and having a loving structure works well and is what I need. I loved the silence and the music and the consistent ritual of each session and the varied invitations and the graceful space holding of Lisa and Margaret! 100 Stars!!"
“Loved the opportunity to play with different art materials (and do art, period), and the challenge (for me) of trying to approach writing was a different and interesting exercise and out of my “normal” zone.”
“Thankful for:
Time for writing & art
Time with other women artists
New poems
New medicines (healing poetry/ visual art)
Generosity of art supplies
Lisa and Margaret”
“I really enjoyed being in person, the smaller group and being in Margaret’s inspiring space!! Also, combining writing and art was nice and love trying new things in playful ways.”
“Thank you for such a beautiful offering!”

About Touchstone Retreats Facilitators:
Margaret Hartsook sees art making and writing as spiritual practices that can open the gates of creativity and self-expression. She believes we each have a unique creative language that can promote well-being, healing, meaning making and growth in our lives. Through de-mystifying the tools of visual art making, she guides individuals to explore and find their own unique expression. Trained in drawing and painting at California College of Art, Margaret completed her BFA at the University of Oregon and received a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling & Psychology with an emphasis in Art Therapy from Naropa University. Margaret is currently working at Legacy Good Samaritan in the Cancer Institute as an Art Therapist. In addition to facilitating many art-based workshops she co-created the Art Therapy program for Pathways Hospice in Northern Colorado and established the Memories in the Making art program for the Alzheimer’s Association in Oregon.
Lisa Kagan is a writer, artist, educator, and personal historian. Her business, Family Heirloom Arts, is dedicated to helping individuals and families celebrate their life stories and significant life milestones through the creation of illustrated heirloom books and custom art. She offers art and writing retreats throughout the Pacific Northwest. Lisa believes in the transformative nature of the creative process to heal, empower, challenge, inform, and awaken the human spirit. Lisa received her BA from Wesleyan University in Connecticut with a focus on writing and fine art. She has completed intensive studies in the arts at Skidmore College, the University of New Mexico, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and the Maine Photographic Workshops. Lisa has published two books of original art and poetry, Coming Home to Myself (2021) and Emergence (2009). Lisa is a co-founder of Touchstone Retreats.
Dawn Thompson believes writing our stories, whether they originate from our life experience or our imagination, is a sacred act that liberates, heals and transforms us. Dawn is passionate about how writing in community offers us the gift of becoming more intimate with ourself and more connected to one another. She currently offers writing workshops for women and individuals healing from cancer through Words for Healing. Dawn oversaw and facilitated through Portland Women Writers from 2008-2023. She has also worked as a staff member for Write Around Portland. Dawn holds an M.A. in Creation Spirituality from Naropa University and a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Oregon. Dawn is a co-founder of Touchstone Retreats.
Please contact us with questions, to register for our upcoming retreats, or to brainstorm on ideas for bringing a Touchstone Retreats program to your community.
Margaret Hartsook
Lisa Kagan
Dawn Thompson